Now to work!!!
Fireworks |
an arial view of Rio de janeiro in Brazil |
Confetti |
A beautiful samba performer |
Step 1:Preparing the photos
There were parts of the image in some of my photos that i didn't need so using photoshop i deleted the parts i didn't need
First to extract the performer from her background
right click>makeselection to make the path a selection
rightclick>Layer via copy copies the selection onto a new layer
in the channels palette solo the blue layer and using Image>Calculations make an alpha channel of the blue channel.
Then using a levels adjustment ,adjust the levels of the Alpha channel until the black of the perfomer stands out of the white background.
Carefully brush the performewr completely black using a hard brush.
Then selct the black area of the image using the quick selection tool.
Use Ctrl+I to invert the selection and then use Alt+backspace with white as your foreground coluor to fill the rest of the image white.
Deselect by pressing Ctrl+D.
Then invert the image colurs by pressing Ctrl+I.
Reactivate the RGB channel by selecting it.
Go to Select>Load Selection and choose the alpha channel
A selection of our performer now appears on the perfomer layer.
Invert the selection and delete the remaining parts of the background
I won't do anything to the fireworks image.
I just prepared the document so that it's easier to get later
The confetti image in a new photoshop document
Duplicate the background layer Ctrl+J and name the new layer Confetti.
Turn the Visiblty of the background layer off.
Go to Select>Colour range to select the colour of the sky
Click okay to make the confetti a selection
Invert the selection and delete the sky.
Open the image of Rio de janeiro in a new photoshop document
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